Those weren't 'mistakes'. Every new overreach by government regulators (and teachers' union et al) was met with good arguments against the policies and warnings of their dire results.

Mistakes call for apologies, at least. Wanton malfeasance calls for a different reaction.

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I like the word 'specious'.

Last century, Lenin used specious arguments to convince his "useful idiots" to promote his brand of Marxism. Result: mass murder.

Today, by 'owning' their employers, the medical-industrial-political complex does something similar with its 'useful idiots' (we call them 'journalists'). Result: mass murder.

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Brilliant, thank you!

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I have taken

the freedoms

that you

held dear

and which

you were probably


for your great great grandchildren

Forgive me

the power was delicious;

so sweet,

and psychopathically cold

Addendum: the publisher thingy does not seem to like line spaces between the verses (or stanzas if preferred).

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Thanks Ian. That's brilliant! I know what you mean about the spacing. Maybe substack will fix that one day.

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Thank you for that.

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Great piece. Goosebump-inducing. Not only will most of the covidians never apologize for or even admit to their barbarism, but eventually, when the truth does finally go mainstream, they'll deny ever having been duped and insist they knew all along that covid was a hoax, but that they took the shot only because their jobs depended on it. Basically, they'll flush their fascist assholery down the memory hole and pretend they were always innocent victims.

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Aye. One covidian has remarked that he disagrees with the premise. Everything in the article concerning covid is wrong. And there are factual errors, like the Dr. Bass fellow is apparently not an MD but a medical student. The covidian further claimed I quoted this person (presumably as an authority on something). He may be training to become a fact checker. Pretty clear though that he didn't read it. He may have just asked ChatGPT to write a critique. Hard to tell with certain folk.

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Yes, there does seem to be a positive correlation between covidianism and functional illiteracy!

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It's the poetry that makes more palatable in this article the intake of the lies that will never be righted by those too proud to face what't in the mirror. It's also poetry that puts the mirror up to what the lies cannot hide. I love the barstool bits.

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Good article. None of this is over, even though they're trying to back into the bushes Homer Simpson style for the time being.

Before demonizing unvaccinated people, it was demonizing cops. Before that, it was demonizing white people. Before that, it was demonizing men ("Believe all women").

It's one fad or moral panic after another, constantly pitting people against each other. Constantly destroying other people's aspirations, material wellbeing, and civil liberties - usually for some surface level characteristic their perceived enemies share.

These woke loons will never stop - ever - until they are subjected to the same kind of politics they routinely subject others to. Considering the number of impoverished black people forced into their mandates - for the crime of feeding their own families, we should start there, with a heavily moralized and racialized response. No justice, no peace.

There's no other way to put an end to this. Everything else has been tried.

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I think a lot of this is coming from social media. Remember the flash mob trend back in 2008 and 2009 around Obama's campaign? That whole flash mob phenomenon presages what we're witnessing now -- the medium's ability to mobilise people by stoking outrage and righteous violence.

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No question, but it is also democrat politicians and the MSM. It's going to keep coming back in more destructive forms if it remains unreciprocated.

Anything that comes from the left's usual suspects will support their narrative. So why not fracture them and subject them to what they do to others?

Again - nothing else works. Nothing ever will. The left attacks us because they hate themselves, so anything other than a material disincentive is a waste of time. Being nice won't fix the problem.

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We planned for Covid 19 to go badly. And this was because we did not plan for Covid 19 at all. What we planned for were H1N5, SARS1 and MERS, all rolled up together with a bow. A super virus, much more lethal and much, much, more contagious.

H1N5 was bird flu. It is very lethal, with 60% of those treated dying. But to catch it you needed to get up close and personal with bird poop. There are some advertising professionals in Manhattan that never encounter bird poop in the average day. Do you?

SARS1: Severe acute respiratory syndrome, coronavirus 1. This too was much more lethal than Covid 19; 9% of those treated died. But the symptoms preceded contagion. To catch it you needed to be in contact with someone who was already symptomatic. And mostly these people were already at home in bed or in hospital. Quarantine was the effective cure for such an epidemic.

MERS: Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome, was spread by camels. Have you tried to buy a camel recently? The supply chain for camels has almost completely broken down. You could wait months. MERS was no joke, however. 36% of those who were treated for MERS, died.

Epidemiologists worried that these lethal viruses might find a more effective vector. Instead of camels, why not reindeer? And why not just before Christmas!?

So, WHO set a committee to prepare for Disease X. They ran training operations for Disease X all over the world. What they planned for was a very lethal, and very contagious virus. And this makes sense, because you would not go to a training seminar for something mild, where nothing much is needed to be done. Something like Omicron, for example.

Training is great but it has consequences. Because they were training to defend against a very lethal and highly contagious virus, the correct response was to take strong and urgent measures. They had to shut it down very quickly or millions could die. Those who paused to reflect, to ask, “Just how lethal was this. How contagious was this?; Were accused of wilful indecision. Better to act now and save millions of lives than to just delay because of an excess of caution.

Across the world, health professionals had prepared to smash the virus hard and often. What they never planned for was a mild virus rather akin to the flu. They had been trained to respond with extreme measures and when Covid 19 appeared they could not stop themselves.

We planned for Covid 19 to go badly. And this was because we did not plan for Covid 19 at all.

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It is indeed very interesting that they are now appealing, even begging, for "christian mercy"

. . . . when they HAD NONE TO GIVE when they insisted they were right

I might feel it encumbent on me to forgive them. but only for my own sake, not theirs. However none of that makes the slightest difference to the penalty they must pay for their crimes.

After all we do not remit punishment (that is what they are pleading for) for common criminals, burglars and murderers. Yet we are supposed to remit penalty for mass murderers and criminals against humanity itself.

They are playing on the last remnant of christian sentiment in the West and i hold it to be blasphemous as well as hypocritical

If they are sincere about being forgiven let them go to God for it

. . . . and then they can go to the gallows with a clear conscience, knowing that God has saved them.

That is how it used to work,

and if they refuse this let them shut their filthy mouths

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I think the entire pandemic was contrived by the ruling class to get ride of Trump. The ruling class now knows that can do what ever they want and the population will never rise up. If they can force you to inject your children with poison and not a single person goes full William Tell on the ruling class, they know that can do what every they want to the population and the population will bend over and take it.

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Trump lost my trust with project warp speed. And now he's bragging about it.

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He wasn't the one that condoned using the vaccine without having it properly tested nor did he mandate vaccination.....but while we are on the subject of rigged elections, does anyone actually think the 2015 Canadian Federal election wasn't rigged? Every pollster on both sides of the political spectrum predicted the best the Liberals could hope for was a conservative minority and some how they manage to get a majority. Everyone I know who works at elections Canada is 'woke'. I think the 2015 Canadian election was a trial run for the 2020 US presidential election.

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No, they lost. They wanted quarterly injections for everyone. They "only" got about a third of the children.

Remember how bad it was before they started backing down - how abusive they were. How timid they are now.

Do not be black pilled. The only reason they keep lying is that they have to. The truth takes time, and truth is not on their side, so time is on ours.

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I will believe they have truly lost when the government leaders, health minister's, and pharmaceutical company CEO's are convicted under international law and executed for war crimes in Nuremburg.

Time might be on the side of truth but what difference does it make if the 3/4 of the Canadian population that took the vaccine die a gruesome death in the next 10 years.

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The damage will be great, but that will not happen. Don't catastrophize yourself into apathy.

Refuse to comply. Red pill everyone possible, as slowly as needed. Think of ways to screw the woke medical authoritarians over in every way you can, big and small. Fight.

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'I think the entire pandemic was contrived by the ruling class to get ride of Trump.'

Why go to all that trouble when a 'lone nut' with CIA backing can do the job? The architects of the 'pandemic' have much more ambitious plans than the removal of a president.

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I wish you would stick to the topic of feminism, misandry and treatment of men by society and the law, in which field you have significant knowledge and expertise.

On Covid your views are just an opinion with which medical experts disagree. Your actions damage your status in the field of you expertise.

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I think you're confused on several topics. Perhaps you should stick to reading and not pretend you know what research looks like. Comments are clearly not your forte. I am not Janice. And even if I were, she knows more about research and covid than you do. It undermines your credibility to share your ignorance on a public platform. Yes. This is an opinion piece. How terrible. But the information is not just opinion. The segregationist covidian movement, the cowardice and immoral behaviour of folks like yourself was and is real... that's not just an opinion. But you'd have to actually read and care about the folks around you to have any comment worth leaving here.

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Thank you for your personal criticism. It clearly shows what kind of person you are. By the way I have five degrees in three fields of human knowledge. How many do you have? And I don't hide behind a pseudonym

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Okay. I guess it would be a cruel thing to keep responding to you as you are clearly not cognitively functional. Please go troll another substack.

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