I learned a lot in this essay and particularly like your conclusion: "there may be a meeting point here, an evolving view of God as not a Big Bad Daddy in the sky so much as a geometrical intelligence, not to be underestimated in terms of its power and connectivity, nor its spiritual dimension..." and also your point that Atheism could then also evolve, and that "Science would be free to admit things about consciousness and certain spiritual phenomena it presently must close itself off from and dismiss..." and that science "might also quit policing how things work and go back to observing."
Thanks, Karen. You might find this equally interesting from another Substacker: https://strangerworlds.substack.com/p/the-jelly-roll-of-truth
I learned a lot in this essay and particularly like your conclusion: "there may be a meeting point here, an evolving view of God as not a Big Bad Daddy in the sky so much as a geometrical intelligence, not to be underestimated in terms of its power and connectivity, nor its spiritual dimension..." and also your point that Atheism could then also evolve, and that "Science would be free to admit things about consciousness and certain spiritual phenomena it presently must close itself off from and dismiss..." and that science "might also quit policing how things work and go back to observing."