Steven Koonin's "Unsettled" is decisively transparent regarding the social/scientific process around climate research and especially reporting. Ought to read, imho.

Also, regarding models and constant tweaking, skullduggery, and general fucking about: we're at "string theory" levels of obfuscation and echo-chambering.

Finally, around Asa's take on model/prediction misunderstandings and mis-pointings -- suggest The Logic of Failure by Dörner.

Important topic.....thanks for the Boxer strategic overflight....

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Thanks for these leads RDM! Very helpful.

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Brave of you to wade into this topic. Thank you for including the long quotation from Millan on afternoon storms in the Med. basin. This information was new to me and very helpful. In my experience, writing on climate often reveals a Covid-era mentality that seeks to impose restrictions and settle for partial solutions that are presented as salvation. The energy needed to produce and fuel EVs is a good example, seldom discussed. In Iowa, where I come from, there are endless miles of enormous windmills, set into prime farmland with masses of concrete. Nobody studied their impact on wildlife; nobody even knows how long these machines will last. Some are not even connected to power grids, and those that are, in some cases, send their energy out of the state of Iowa. EVs are subsidized. Farmers are paid a lot by power company to let the windmills be built on their land. I thought it was good, at the end, to point to some ways forward. There are many large forces at work changing the world even faster than the climate is changing.

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The windmills are an ecological disaster, wrecking the soil in every way possible. It's the most wrong-headed, harebrained "solution" ever to be proposed and implemented.

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