The "explosion of funding" you describe that went to the sciences before and during WWII is an essential point. My research into the origins of globalism shows that the new American millionaire monopolists who flourished in the early twentieth century established multinational philanthropies, hiring corporate missionaries to propagate the "application of modern science" in education, medicine, agriculture, industry, and so on, both domestically and to benighted foreign countries. The monopolists' crusade was to shape the future of the international financial system in order to consolidate their power and control through education and missionary work. They wanted to revolutionize the world, and they succeeded, so much so that they've ended up retarding it for generations to come, as you illustrate so well in this latest bit.

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No doubt their intentions were and are "good"--at least in their own eyes. Their orientation however is dictatorial, though, again, probably to their minds benevolent.

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Indeed. We call it slavery; they call it charity!

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I like Boxer’s called out of right brain thinking. Iain McGilchrist has an awful lot to say on this point.

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Were it not for the virtue-signals of this idiotic sign, I would never had noticed the degradation of "scientific" discipline that you have been pointing to; even with the sign, I would not have expected the problem to be an old one. Progressives seem to think that if something is "real" it is also right. Why else put up the sign, as you say. After all the pubic fumbling with masks and shots and treatments, with all the predictable restatements, rowbacks and so on, thinking people are still telling themselves that anybody with second thoughts about how Covid was handled is a science-denialist (thank you, NY Times). The irony of the progressive claim is obvious: the confusion and contradiction of the scientific minds, and the efforts of the government and social media to silence the opposition, were certainly real--real tools of the powerful to suppress and neutralize independent thought.

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Agreed, Allen. It has been amusing to watch how the terms "science" and "fact" get deployed. How many times have I heard, "It's been proven..." and "It's a scientific fact..." followed by some of the stupidest things I've ever heard? I hear this sort of wisdom often when seated upon my barstool.

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