The "Indo-European language" and the "Indo-Europeans" are pure fiction since not the slightest archaeological evidence has ever been found to support their existence nor is there any written or oral reference to any nation about our supposed "ancestors Indo-Europeans". But it is used extensively to obscure the catalytic influence of the Greek Culture and the Greek Language from the dawn of the World.
Thanks Apollodoros! Great comment. I hadn't thought about that before, but now you mention it. . . I am aware that it's an invented 'must be' story to explain what appear to be common linguistic roots, and to differentiate from languages without those common markers, like Finnish.
So many great examples in this densely packed essay. The biggest take-away I agree with is your comment: "It bears repeating that the issue here—as stated in the second paragraph of this paper—is how we confuse our models for realities and reverse the relationship between heuristic devices and reality and how pervasive this problem might be." Phenomena is difficult to observe, particularly at the quantum level. Also, "Despite the apparent accuracy of our instruments, they fail to account adequately for the phenomena..." The later points about Covid are harder to contend with, and though 2 million Americans did not die as predicted by Neil Ferguson, over 1 million did. Lockdowns did create havoc and freedoms were impinged, but weren't lives saved by these measures? I believe they were.
Thanks for your comment Karen. The numbers regarding covid are still a mess. But we do know that (a) there are financial incentives to label deaths as covid deaths; (b) no distinction was made between dying with and dying of covid; and (c) compared to previous seasonal illnesses, covid did not represent an especial threat. Please see our Covid Heretic page for details: Meanwhile, early treatment of covid was often denied patients. And worse, repurposed medications were not deployed or even allowed to be used, as per Dr Kory's testimony before Congress. All these factors led to a higher death count than would have been the case without the various institutional interventions, and had covid been treated like any other seasonal illness... and still the death count has to be decontextualised to appear dramatic (i.e. no comps to previous years). The idea that lockdowns saved anyone is baseless. There is a reason our society avoided that sort of action in the past: it doesn't work (it's not scientific) and it goes against our basic moral principles. Those who drafted the Great Barrington Declaration explained it well. Lockdowns cost lives. They killed people and destroyed life, health and well-being. When agents of power deploy the weapon of fear and go about employing segregationist policies, one should be sceptical. I recommend Dr Malone's work on these subjects here on Substack as well.
Excellent essay!
If I may just make a short note.
The "Indo-European language" and the "Indo-Europeans" are pure fiction since not the slightest archaeological evidence has ever been found to support their existence nor is there any written or oral reference to any nation about our supposed "ancestors Indo-Europeans". But it is used extensively to obscure the catalytic influence of the Greek Culture and the Greek Language from the dawn of the World.
Keep up your excellent work!
Thanks Apollodoros! Great comment. I hadn't thought about that before, but now you mention it. . . I am aware that it's an invented 'must be' story to explain what appear to be common linguistic roots, and to differentiate from languages without those common markers, like Finnish.
So many great examples in this densely packed essay. The biggest take-away I agree with is your comment: "It bears repeating that the issue here—as stated in the second paragraph of this paper—is how we confuse our models for realities and reverse the relationship between heuristic devices and reality and how pervasive this problem might be." Phenomena is difficult to observe, particularly at the quantum level. Also, "Despite the apparent accuracy of our instruments, they fail to account adequately for the phenomena..." The later points about Covid are harder to contend with, and though 2 million Americans did not die as predicted by Neil Ferguson, over 1 million did. Lockdowns did create havoc and freedoms were impinged, but weren't lives saved by these measures? I believe they were.
Perhaps worth adding this update, which demonstrates the utter fraud of the 1 million among other deeply concerning abuses of the medical community:
Thanks for your comment Karen. The numbers regarding covid are still a mess. But we do know that (a) there are financial incentives to label deaths as covid deaths; (b) no distinction was made between dying with and dying of covid; and (c) compared to previous seasonal illnesses, covid did not represent an especial threat. Please see our Covid Heretic page for details: Meanwhile, early treatment of covid was often denied patients. And worse, repurposed medications were not deployed or even allowed to be used, as per Dr Kory's testimony before Congress. All these factors led to a higher death count than would have been the case without the various institutional interventions, and had covid been treated like any other seasonal illness... and still the death count has to be decontextualised to appear dramatic (i.e. no comps to previous years). The idea that lockdowns saved anyone is baseless. There is a reason our society avoided that sort of action in the past: it doesn't work (it's not scientific) and it goes against our basic moral principles. Those who drafted the Great Barrington Declaration explained it well. Lockdowns cost lives. They killed people and destroyed life, health and well-being. When agents of power deploy the weapon of fear and go about employing segregationist policies, one should be sceptical. I recommend Dr Malone's work on these subjects here on Substack as well.